Friday 3 January 2014

What has Craig Done?

After reading the newspaper that Wednesday morning when he was twelve years old, Craig asked his classmates to join his cause. That same year, Craig travelled to South Asia. He visited the countries of India, Pakistan, Thailand, Bangladesh and Nepal to talk to children involved in slave labour and film his findings.

As Free the Children grew, the organization of youth gained media attention. Craig spoke at conferences across the world and was featured on many television programs including The Oprah Winfrey Show. Free the Children became an organization that, true to its name, freed children from slave labour by organizing raids. However as these raids continued, they began to notice that they were rescuing some of the children for the second time. Instead of simply continuing to break children out of bondage, Free the Children investigated the root causes of child labour and introduced the Adopt a Village Holistic Model. 

This model has been implemented in over 45 countries. Free the Children has built over 650 schools which educate 55 000 children each day. They have provided over a million people with access to clean water and sanitation and over 30 000 women with economic self-sufficiency. Since Me to We was started to engage youth and provide people with better choices for a better world, 2 300 000 youth have engaged in Me to We programming. The We Movement has been named “the movement of our time” and it all started with a 12 year old boy.